I was just too excited to share V's costume photos and did so before writing a blog. So, you have seen most of the photos on Facebook but I wanted to do a little recap of the week long holiday!
We started with trick or treat at the Zoo! It was a fun family night out as we went to Maggiano's for dinner before. Curious Miss V LOVES restaurants and noodles...so this was perfect.
costumed and ready to stroll through the zoo at night! |
Miss V was a little thrown by the darkness because she always says "when it dark go night night" LOL. She was also expecting more animals but once she realized how to carry her trick or treat bag and go to each stop she was thrilled. She did not want to let that bag go! Probably her favorite of the animals we did see were the fish. She is just memorized by the big tanks! (No, we are not getting a fish tank! hehe)
Orange pumpkin and orange fish |
We stopped in the performance area in the ape house where Karate America does their demo during the summer family nights. She was convinced there would be more karate there again! Thankfully, we distracted her with a spider cookie! Her face was black from the frosting after!
So, she had a few bites of the cookie but not one piece of candy because....she's never had it before and didn't know candy was inside the wrappers! The next day, she figured out how to get the wrappers off the suckers but still didn't realize she was supposed to lick them/put in mouth so she just lined them all up on the floor! She did taste a tootsie roll and of course loved it.
Look what I did Mom! |
We then had actual trick or treating Sunday night and we went with 2 sets of neighbors for the second year in a row. V wasn't walking yet last year so this years experience was 100% different! She LOVED it! We used costume number 2 because a girl can't have just one costume ;)
I think Dad had just as much fun! |
strong muscles! |
We saw an idea on Facebook to use old gallon jugs, fill them with water and add glow sticks. Kyle drew faces on them and V was very interested in the water. She wanted to put her fingers in the jugs and pour it out much like she does with the containers in her water table (which she has asked to play with everyday since the weather has been colder of course). She loved dropping the glow sticks in too.
spooky! |
The week continued with two costume days at school and the library Halloween Party. She absolutely loved coming upstairs to the big kid rooms at school to trick or treat. She marched right up with her bag and said Trick Or Treat! when she got to my classroom. She talked about the other kids' costumes and was just thrilled with all the excitement. She did end up having her first sucker since they were allowed to have one in her classroom after trick or treating. She then of course wanted more once she got home and just ripped wrappers off and licked away!
By the time we got to the last event at the library, we were a little distracted by the SNOW!
My Dad's favorite decoration got dumped on! |
Warm and dry inside!
They had some fun projects to make and she even got her first pencil which she was thrilled by until she realized it "didn't work" :) |
It was a very busy, fun week and thankfully all the snow melted!