Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Future Career?

Engineer...professional organizer...construction forewoman... not jobs one typically associates with an almost 18 month old. If I had to predict a career for V right now I would pick one of these (or something animal related!). She is so curious about building and blocks!

Curious George watches from couch, upside down


Miss V. is patient and makes sure that every spot on these trains has a block before moving to the next one or starting a second layer. She does get distracted and builds singular towers after about the 1st layer :)

Look Mom!
You go on top, block!

You go girl! I'm thinking we are going to start sorting and building these by color of each "train."


Violet is so passionate about life, even when just building with blocks. She is going to be one who does what she sets her mind to. Can't wait to see what that might be!

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