Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Water Color Masterpiece

Violet has gotten to do some pretty cool art projects at school this year. She knows the word "project" and "painting."  We proudly display them on our fridge (for a few days anyway!) and she often walks by and says "project! school!" So, I decided to break out some water colors at home and see how Miss V did with them!

Since water colors involve water, Miss V was of course very curious. She probably would have just played with the brush and water if I had let her :)

After each different color she brushed on the paper, Miss V's face would light up and her little mouth would make an O as if to say "Wow! Look at that color!"
I am so glad Grandma and I found this little Minnie Mouse table and chairs at the garage sales in Waunakee. It was really hard to do art projects at our dining room table and bar-height chairs. And Miss V is all about eating if she is in her high chair so that never really worked either. Now she can get on the little chairs by herself and color away (although she much prefers to have an adult sitting in the tiny chairs with her; especially Grandma!) It helps keep our table from being covered with all of her stuff too!

So to recap...I don't know that you'll be seeing any of Violet's masterpieces in a gallery near you any time soon. But, she enjoyed it and was really not happy when I took the cup of water away to rinse out when we were done!!

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