Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Big Girl Step Stools

Be prepared...this blog has many pictures of Big Girl Miss V not baby Miss V! She is now tall enough to stand on a step stool and reach the sink in our bathroom to wash her hands.

She loves playing with water and I knew once she could do this "on her own" she would be happy as a clam. I do have to hold her hand to give her a little boost since the step is pretty big but she could have cared less because she was so curious about the stool and the water. Her face lit up when she saw herself in the mirror. That has only ever happened with us holding her!

There was a bit of a meltdown when it was time to be "all done" with the water but I pulled out the second stool (garage sale finds!) for the kitchen. The sink in there is still way too tall so I brought it by the living room couch and let her climb up and down from the stool to the couch and she loved it almost as much as washing her hands.

obligatory diaper butt pic :)
She is becoming a climber and recently figured out how to get herself up on our big ottoman. She also attempts to climb into her own high chair which is on a bar height chair and scares me!

She of course had to get a selfie in after all this climbing and then she relaxed on the couch. Always something adventurous going on with Curious Miss V!

Ahhh, this is the good life. My work here is done!

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