Saturday, July 27, 2019

Like Father Like Daughter Part 2

I have a feeling this post title is going to have many "parts" as Curious Miss V becomes more and more curious about karate! She absolutely loves wearing her pink size 0 karate belt around the house :) We used it to "announce" her gender and name at a karate graduation a few months before she was born.

So proud!
It's a girl!
Throwback to my last class when I was pregnant. V was at it from the start LOL
She had her first chance to take a real "class" when Dad was at the zoo a few weeks ago for kids night. Any zoo members can come in and take a quick introduction class and there are demos by the current students/demo team. 

Listening intently to Dad's instructions
She marched right up and joined the kids. I love her legs-straight-out sitting method. She does this at school too when they read a book or do flashcards. She was the youngest in the group (it was meant for 2 and older) and of course was just a step behind everyone. She sat when they all stood and vice versa. Once she figured out what everyone was doing she copied right away.

I thought we were sitting tall like black belts?!
How do you do this?
She now knows what "block" means and looks like!
She looked back to where I was sitting a few times and her grins just about melted my heart!

This is the best night ever, Mom!
Needless to say, I had a very tired and unhappy V on my hands when the class was over and it was time to go. She pulled out her pitiful voice and was whining about "more karate" all the way back to the car. She could not stop talking about it the next few days! Stay tuned for part 3...(and 4, 5, 6...)

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