Saturday, February 15, 2020

Mushy Gushy Painting Class Part 2

Our next mushy gushy classes through the Park and Rec had a fun bubble painting project and some sand/water sensory table play! She loved all three!

I LOVE the "blowing a bubble" face that Curious Miss V has- LOL! She tries to blow all the air out of herself it seems like. Very serious! 

Puffy cheeks 

There was some "ice painting" too with a colored ice cube and Popsicle stick. This one was more just a mess as the ice melted all over.

Messy face
Miss V loved the sand when we went to Cape Cod on her first birthday and of course loved it during class. Especially since there were shovels and "scoopers" as she calls them! 

Lastly, to wash off, kiddos played in a big water table with colored water that ended up all turning black! She always asks to get her water table out when we are in the shed but we obviously can't since it is winter so this was great fun!

Look Mom, I dumped it out! 
Only 2 classes left: I'm sure more mushy-gushy-ness is on the way!

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